About Butter Bike

Our Story

Believe it or not, we are HUGE fans of the humble peanut.

Our journey began in the beautiful South West, with rolling hills, stunning coasts and national parks just on our doorstep. We set out to make equally adventurous peanut butter blends to fuel our every adventure, be it on a bike, board or legs.

Soon word spread and our founding nut, Jeni, pedalled her trusty Butter Bike across our hometown to share our nutty little jars.


Our Ingredients

Arguably the most important part of our proper peanut butters is of course, those roasty-toasty little golden nuggets - our hi-oleic Argentinian peanuts. Blanched to remove the skins and deep roasted for the most delicious flavour.

We've chosen only the best ingredients to make our wild varieties, from simple Cornish Sea Salt to carefully sourced chillies and dry spices, seeds and cacao.



Made by us

Not just a brand, we make every jar (with love and close attention) in our micro-factory at our Hampshire HQ.

Here, our deep roasted peanuts meet our grinder (affectionately known as Big Boy) who can churn out 20kg of the good stuff in one sitting. We then pour, cap and label every jar by hand so you can be sure each and every one is nothing but top quality PB.

Your orders are packed and sent by us direct from PBHQ, no faff or middle men.