About Beeble


The Beeble Founders: Matt & Nicola
Beeble began with one hive in North Wiltshire 10 years ago. We were new to the bee-keeping world and fully committed to keeping that hive healthy. From this first colony we just about made enough honey to give some jars to friends, with a bit left over for our breakfast.It was delicious.



However, we soon realised it was difficult to avoid wasting the honey stuck to the frames taken from the hive. To avoid this waste, we soaked the frames into whisky. This turned out to be the first ever batch of Beeble Honey Whisky.
We haven’t looked back since.

To make honey whisky our production has had to increase over the years, and so have the number of hives we have relied on for honey. As a result, we are now proud to say that Beeble is responsible for the existence of one hundred and thirty hives around our home in Wiltshire. There are around sixty thousand honey bees in a single colony. That adds up to almost eight million Wiltshire bees making our honey whisky.


Eight Million Bees.


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